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"...The work of Vladimir Tverdokhlebov is inextricably linked with the long-term development and achievements of the monumental and decorative art of Kazakhstan. His unique works not only decorate streets, buildings and interiors of our cities, but also form their recognisable appearance and create their unique artistic image...

The quality of V.Tverdokhlebov's creative handwriting is an exact understanding of the synthesis of arts, necessary for monumental art, architectonic precision, freedom and courage of design, colour richness and amazing rare harmony of complex compositional solutions.

The artist has a special gift of understanding the very essence of monumental and decorative art. Vladimir is able to preserve the sensation of the plane and statics of the wall, and at the same time saturate the image with the flexible fluidity of the flowing lines that impart dynamics to the action, fill it with decorative ornamentation and singing rhythm, and add to the composition of a mosaic or tapestry, relief or stained glass a sense of space and light...

The spectrum of formal-stylistic and technical searches of V.Tverdokhlebov is extensive. In his works he always uses a variety of rare techniques and approaches, reveals all the possibilities of natural and synthetic materials - smalt and cast coloured glass, bronze and gypsum, wool and tempera...
The artist also succeeds in easel painting, poster and interior design. In each of these independent art forms, Vladimir Tverdokhlebov proved himself as a rare professional, who understands laws and has brilliantly possessed all the arsenal of expressive means. The subtle emotional picturesqueness of his  sketches made en plein air, the clear lapidary language of the symbols of his posters - all these are different interesting manifestations of the artist's talent...
The technique of painting appealed naturally to the artist. Since 1990 he has often participated in symposia and painting en plein air, including working in Paris in the international community of artists La Cite des Artistes, V.Tverdokhlebov is increasingly captivated by the picturesque. His still life paintings, landscapes and sketches are marked by the sophistication of world artistic culture, the energy of bold brushwork and the expression of feelings...
The works of Vladimir Tverdokhlebov combine his excellent knowledge of the art of the West and the understanding of the fine stylistics of the art of Japan and China. His works manifest the artist's ability to melt the innovative and traditional impulses of world art into the mainstream of the national style of the Kazakh art school. It is difficult to list all the works created by the extraordinary artist Vladimir Tverdokhlebov in the field of monumental and decorative art, design, poster and painting. Suffice it to say, that his significant contribution to the art of Kazakhstan laid the foundation of the high standard of Kazakhstan’s art and formed its originality."
Professor, R.A. Yergalieva


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© Vladimir S. Tverdokhlebov, Anara Forrester. 2017 / © Владимир Сергеевич Твердохлебов, Анара Форрестер. 2017  

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